Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Tiebreaker is................

Look for baby Walter Michael to make his appearance at the end of Aug/beginning of Sept.

Score - Boys 3, Girls 2


Kristen said...

Congratulations! My brother told me your big news a while ago. And it's another boy! Yay! Boys rock. Hope the pregnancy is going smoothly.

Shell said...

Congratulations on the fresh Willis addition. I saw your mom a while back and she told me. I wasnt sure if you were announcing it out yet or not so I didnt know if I should say anything. Well Walter stopped the Girl, Boy, Girl, Boy cycle. So happy for you. Miranda and Mindi are due in July, Kelly is having her baby mid-August, Tiffany is due about the same time you are. Everyone is having babies....except me. I can only handle two. I would be in a rubber room. Love you guys.